Model locate public parking provided by using ANP model and GIS FUZZY CASE STUDY: The second area of Yazd
Today, increasing numbers of cars and travel within the city center of major cities with a shortage of park space and increased traffic volume passing traffic and to reduce the psychological coefficient is hampering. This problem becomes acute when the condition that public parking is a key role in facilitating conditions are responsible for urban transport With other elements of the urban are inappropriate. Then selecting the location of public parking in cities is one of the key issues.
Selecting the optimum location for the establishment of an urban element based on different criteria depending on the location of the study area can be verified. In this study, we use indicators such as: distance from the center, away from roads, population density, property value, the life, property, historic sites recorded in the ANP model using GIS overlay functions, the optimal location parking will be provided for the establishment. Information and data through library research, field, and also the range of 100 questionnaires have been developed. The analysis of data from ARC GIS and Super Decision and Expert Choice software is used. The results show that Most of the current parking area has not been established in place and able are not to respond to the needs of transport. Notable, this study intense interest in the position of urban elements in the vicinity of the city's main thoroughfares Due to the The arterial streets are in the range of exposure to attractive regions.
(2014). Model locate public parking provided by using ANP model and GIS FUZZY CASE STUDY: The second area of Yazd. The Journal of Geographical Research on Desert Areas, 2(3), 63-85.
. "Model locate public parking provided by using ANP model and GIS FUZZY CASE STUDY: The second area of Yazd", The Journal of Geographical Research on Desert Areas, 2, 3, 2014, 63-85.
(2014). 'Model locate public parking provided by using ANP model and GIS FUZZY CASE STUDY: The second area of Yazd', The Journal of Geographical Research on Desert Areas, 2(3), pp. 63-85.
, "Model locate public parking provided by using ANP model and GIS FUZZY CASE STUDY: The second area of Yazd," The Journal of Geographical Research on Desert Areas, 2 3 (2014): 63-85,
Model locate public parking provided by using ANP model and GIS FUZZY CASE STUDY: The second area of Yazd. The Journal of Geographical Research on Desert Areas, 2014; 2(3): 63-85.