تحلیل فضایی عرصه‏های مد در فضاهای شهری؛ نگاهی بر توزیع و استمرار فعالیت آرایشگاههای زنانه در منطقه9شهر مشهد

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 گروه جغرافیا دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد، مشهد ایران

2 دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد


امروزه موضوعات گوناگونی فضای شهرها را متاثر از خود کرده است. مُد و ابعاد مکانی آن ازجمله این مسائل است. دراین‏راستا مطالعه حاضر برآن است تا نحوه شیوع و الگوی انتشار آرایشگاه‌های زنانه(بعنوان یکی ازمصادیق‏ مد)را در منطقه۹شهرمشهد مورد بررسی قراردهد. مطالعه از نوع توصیفی-تحلیلی، جامعه آماری کلیه آرایشگاه‌های منطقه۹(شامل۱۲۳۷ آرایشگاه)و متغیرهای تحقیق نیز شامل موقعیت مطلق و نسبی، سال‏ تاسیس ومدت زمان فعالیت هر آرایشگاه(بر حسب موقعیت جغرافیایی)، جمعیت محدوده و قیمت زمین-اجاره بوده‏ است. در گام اول ازطریق مطالعات اسنادی، مفاهیم و نظریات مربوط به انتشارفضایی جمع‏ آوری ومدل مفهومی‏ تحقیق تدوین ‏گردید. در گام بعد ضمن جمع‏ آوری اطلاعات یکایک آرایشگاه‌ها، اقدام به تشکیل پایگاه اطلاعات مکانی درمحیطARC-GISگردید. در این پایگاه موقعیت کلیه آرایشگاه‌ها بر روی نقشه شهرمشهد مشخص شد. همچنین با بهره‌گیری از لایه‌های جمعیت و فضایی‌سازی قیمت زمین-اجاره واستفاده از مدل‌های تحلیل ‏فضایی(نظیر مکعب‏ زمانی-فضایی، نقاط‏داغ-سرد، مرکزثقل و جهت‏پراکنش) و مدلهای آماری(نظیراسکاتروضریب همبستگی) اقدام به تحلیل موضوع شد. نتایج نشان داد درمدت موردبررسی،۵۹%از آرایشگاهها(با میانگین فعالیت2.3سال)تعطیل شده‌اند. معیارهای مرتبط با ثبات آرایشگاهها نشان داد که شاخص جمعیت(بصورت مطلق) و قیمت‏زمین(بصورت نسبی) تاثیر چشمگیری در تداوم فعالیت آنها ندارد در حالیکه تعداد آرایشگاه‌ها در یک موقعیت(آستانه‏حضور)، ارتباط بیشتری با پایداری آنها دارد. درمجموع محلات چهارچشمه، هنرستان، سرافرازان و رضاشهر پایدارترین محدوده‌ها جهت فعالیت آرایشگاه‌ها شناسایی گردید نتایج تکمیلی نشان داد که انتشار آرایشگاه‌ها درفضا درسه مرحله رخ می‏دهد که دراثنای آن، رویکرد آرایشگاه‌ها از الگوی دسترسی برای همگان به سمت تمایل به موقعیت‌های خاص درحال‏ تغییراست. بنظرمی‏رسد «برندشدن» نقش مهمی در این تغییر دارد.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Spatial analysis of the distribution and continuity of the presence of fashion areas in urban spaces

نویسندگان [English]

  • Mostafa Amirfakhrian 1
  • fatemeh almasian 2
1 Assistant Professor, Urban planning, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran
2 Master student, Urban planning, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran
چکیده [English]

With the importance of finding the spatial dimension of phenomena, their spatial distribution has become one of the important topics in the field of urban and regional planning. Today, various issues have affected the cities. Its fashion and spatial dimensions are among these issues. One of the effective causes in changing the nature of markets and its businesses is the issue of fashion. Globalization and the power of production have caused fashion to play an important role in the economy and transform it from a local issue to an industry based on the global division of labor.

In this regard, the present study aims to investigate the prevalence and distribution pattern of women's hair salons (as one of the examples of fashion) in District 9 of Mashhad. According to the purpose of the study, this research is descriptive-analytical. For this purpose, by studying the documents related to the topic, a conceptual model was developed. Further, by referring to the guild system of Mashhad city, the location of all women's hairdressing salons was identified. At this stage, 1237 women's hairdressing salons were identified in the 9th district of Mashhad city, and by using the address, they were spatialized and a database was formed in the ARC-GIS environment. In this database, in addition to their location, the time of establishment (in terms of year, month and day) was determined. Further, using spatial statistics models such as center of gravity, the spatial distribution of hairdressing salons and its relationship with the spatial distribution of the female population were investigated for distribution. Then, by using hot spot analysis models and the "time cube" model, the specialized ranks of barbershops and their geographic distribution in terms of time were shown in the form of 16 separate patterns, and based on that, the distribution of barbershops in space was modeled. Also, using The coefficients of autocorrelation and its changes were identified based on the scatter diagram, the stable and unstable ranges of barbershops in the spatial area of the region. Finally, by using variables such as population distribution, land price and the presence of barbershops in space, the role of each Actions were taken to continue the activity of barbershops. In the first step, through documentary studies, the concepts and ideas related to spatial diffusion were collected and the conceptual model of the research was compiled. In the next step, while collecting the information of each hairdressing salon, create a location information database in the ARC-GIS environment. In this database, the location of all hair salons was determined on the map of Mashhad. Also, by using population layers and spatialization of land-rent price and using spatial analysis models (such as space-time cube, hot-cold spots, center of gravity and distribution direction) and statistical models (such as scatter correlation coefficient) the issue was analyzed. . The results showed that 59% of hair salons (with an average activity of 2.3 years) were closed during the period under investigation. The criteria related to the stability of hairdressing salons showed that the population index (absolutely) and land price (relatively) do not have a significant effect on the continuation of their activity, while the number of hairdressing salons in a location (presence threshold) is more related to their stability. In total, Chaharcheshmeh, Honrestan, Sarafarazan and Rezashahr neighborhoods were identified as the most stable areas for the activity of barbershops. Complementary results showed that the spread of barbershops occurs in three stages, and in the meantime, the approach of barbershops is changing from the pattern of access for everyone to the desire for special situations. It seems that "branding" plays an important role in this change. Finally, by carefully looking at the distribution of hair salons in the 9th district of Mashhad, the pattern of their distribution in space can be modeled as follows:

• The first stage: high concentration of barbershops in the core of their creation at the beginning of the period

• Second stage: Spatial diffusion of hairdressing salons from the primary core in the entire range and not tending to become nucleated in a specific location

• The third stage: tending to the decentralization of barbershops and gathering in specific areas at the end of the period (currently)

In fact, this pattern can show the important point that the desire of barbershop managers has changed from the pattern of "barbershop accessible to everyone" to "barbershop branding" over time.

The effort of the present study was to depict a part of the hidden dimensions of the diffusion layers of women's hair salons (as one of the examples of the fashion fields) in the urban space. The importance of this topic is significant from two perspectives: first) that the subject of fashion and its spatial reflections have inadvertently invaded the atmosphere of cities and localities, and second) the manner of its dissemination in the space, the lack of attention to these special cultural and economic reflections It will carry space. This study showed that the spatial distribution of hair salons in the 9th district of Mashhad is moving from the pattern of "access for all" to the pattern of "tendency to special situations". In this process, "branding" seems to have a prominent role. The findings indicate that branding in the space does not aim to make services accessible to everyone, but tries to draw attention to itself by establishing itself in special situations while gaining special status and value. This can happen through being "seen", "known" and "surpassed". On the other hand, the findings showed that fierce competitive conditions have cast a shadow on fashion spaces, such that, meanwhile, a large part of these spaces were able to compete and were forced to close. This study showed that the activity in this field is accompanied by many risks for the stability of the activity, which failure to pay attention to it can face serious challenges to its operators.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Women'
  • s hair salons, spatial analysis, spatial distribution, District 9 of Mashhad city