Investigating the urban spatial pattern and efficiency of urban accessibilities:A Case studyof Damghan City

Document Type : Research Paper



The rapid expansion of cities has led to extensive changes in their urban spatial patterns which now need on-time developmental measures. Evidence shows that there are many problems in present urban areas due to the lack of proper understanding about spatial patterns of cities and revitalization. The present paper aims to investigate the spatial pattern of Damghan city and the efficiency of access to urban services (e.g. shopping and education). The methodology of the research is based on descriptive –analytical approaches which are accompanied with field work to complete defined questionnaires. The statistical society of the research included citizens over 25 years of age,but only 385 personswere finally selected. The models of Heldren, Shannon Entropy were applied, and the data were analyzed using SPSS software. The results revealed that the spatial pattern of Damghan city tends to expand dispersedly and sprawl. Also, there is a significant difference between the spatial structure of the city and the inefficiency of urban accessibilities regarding shopping and educational centers in confidence of 95% and an error level of less than 0.05.


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