Strategic Planning to Assess the Impacts of Chadormalloo Mine on the Settlements of Bahabad County

Document Type : Research Paper


PhD in geography and urban planning, Islamic Azad University, Khorasgan Branch, Isfahan, Iran


Since long, mineral-industrial development in central Iran has been considered as a driving force for the development of the regional and national economic sectors in the country. Previously, little attention was paid to the fragile and vulnerable environment of mines, and the prospective effects of the development of those environments were ignored. In this regard, the present study uses strategic planning methods to look for appropriate strategies to reduce the negative impacts of the developmental plans and projects in mine-rich regions. The research is applied from the perspective of nature and descriptive-analytical from the perspective of the method. Using SWOT and QSPM models, strategic planning is performed of the effects of Chadormalloo mine on the settlements of the city of Bahabad. In terms of strategic planning, the study area is in an offensive position. In this situation, through appropriate strategies for sustainable development, efforts should be made to exploit the opportunities and strengths of the region. In this case, plans can be implemented for the employment of the indigenous drought-affected people along with complementary strategies for the utilization of the potentials of Chadormalloo mineral complex.


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