Site selection for garbage dumping and burial in the city of Zabol using the AHP model
The city of Zabol with a population of 130000 is located in the zone of 120-day wind. There are many rural emigrations, and the city is, thus, faced with many problems including site selection for garbage dumping. In this article, attempt is made to find a place that conforms to standards criteria for gathering and burying garbage in Zabol. For this purpose, the GIS software and the AHP model are used. Analytical hierarchy process is one of the most widely multi-criterion decisions. In the site selection process with the AHP model, after determining hierarchical levels including purposes, criteria, sub-criteria and alternatives, paired comparisons have been made to weigh the sets against one another. The results show that locating a place for garbage dumping and burial in Zabol is not in accordance with the standards criteria.
(2015). Site selection for garbage dumping and burial in the city of Zabol using the AHP model. The Journal of Geographical Research on Desert Areas, 3(1), 143-119.
. "Site selection for garbage dumping and burial in the city of Zabol using the AHP model", The Journal of Geographical Research on Desert Areas, 3, 1, 2015, 143-119.
(2015). 'Site selection for garbage dumping and burial in the city of Zabol using the AHP model', The Journal of Geographical Research on Desert Areas, 3(1), pp. 143-119.
, "Site selection for garbage dumping and burial in the city of Zabol using the AHP model," The Journal of Geographical Research on Desert Areas, 3 1 (2015): 143-119,
Site selection for garbage dumping and burial in the city of Zabol using the AHP model. The Journal of Geographical Research on Desert Areas, 2015; 3(1): 143-119.