Document Type : Research Paper
MSc of geography and urban planning, Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar, Iran
Assistant Professor of Geography & Urban Planning, Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar, Iran
Associated professor of geography and urban planning at Hakim Sabzevari University (HSU).
Feasibility study of creating an urban sidewalk in Tollab neighborhood with emphasis on social and physical components of the study area: Vahid and Mofatteh streets in the fourth district of Mashhad municipality
The city is the bedrock of the manifestion of the culture and civilization of communities, the physical embodiment of the foundations of life (socia, economic, religious and political) and the sometimes organized environment that forms the arena of human activity. The most important pillar of any city is the field of formation of human activities; Urban spaces. Urban space is not empty space between is a concept that encompasses the physical environment of people, events and the relationships between them. Before the Industrial Revolution, the size and proportion of the elments that formed the city were based on human scale and the pattern of movements was also based on individual movement; In away, the pedestrian pattern formed the structucre of the city.That is the threshold of human ability to move determined the size and sistance of the bases and destination of travel. With the onset of the Industral Revolution the invention of the automobile and its use increased the speed and convenience of transportation. Prioritization of the role of pedestrians and pedestrian-oriented spaces in cities and urban spaces was diminished, and the spatial Quality of the citys public areas, urban open spaces and sidewalks was reduced.Subsequently,with the expansion of urbanization increasing the population of cities and also the complexity of social organization, various functions were created in cities and each urban peraon was created and each urban person undertook more and more divers relationships and duties that before.Land use was restricted the demand for long trips and cars was increased in the cities, as most of the commercial-service uses were concentrated in the central part of the city, motor traffic became heavier and thus not only the body of the city, but also quality of the environment and the quality of life in the city center gradually affected.Since the late 1960s and as a result of increasing urban poblems such as traffic congestion increasing accidents declining public health, reduced safety decline and destruction of valuable urban fabric, declining visual values, access to services, lack of parking space and The effects on the mental and emotional state of the people led to widespread reactions against the dominance of cavalry and the reduction of pedestrian movements in cities around the world in order to limit the movement of cavalry to revitalize city centers. Therefore today with regard to solving urban propblems, the creation of urban sidewalks is emphasized. The purpose of this study is to assess the feasiblitiy of creating urban sidewalks in Talab neighborhood by emphasizing the physical and social components of the study area of Vahid and Mofatteh streets. Didtrict four is Mashhad Municipality.
Research methods
The reseach method is descriptive-analytical and the type of article is a case studr. The studied indicators include 32 varables and indicators in dual social and physical dimensions. These indicators were collected through field studies and a questionnaire, so that the statistical population of the present study consisted of pedestrians crossing the studied streets as well as shop owners and other employees on the side of the street and a random sample method. It is simple that 171 people have been selected as a sample using the Cochrans formula. In order analyze the data a single sample t-test was used in Spss software.
Research findings
Findinds show that the average level of all four indicators of quality of lighting, social life, round the clock activities and service facilities on Vahid Street is significanantly higher than average. In Mofatteh Street, the first three indicators are above average and in the service facilities indrx are average. But in all indicators, the average score on Vahid Street shows a higher figure that Mofatteh Street.
The results showed that Vahid Street has the highest average in all indicators. The three main hypotheses of the research are confirmed and show that this street, with its many commercial activities can improve the economic prosperity peoples vitality and reduce traffic on this street by constructing sidewalks. But in Mofatteh Street the average index of service facilities is average. Therefore due to the low average of this of this index compared to other indicators and its importance in the construction of sidewalks the third hypothesis is not acceptable for this street and efforts should be made to solve the problems of this index including prioritizing citizens opinions avoiding makrup. Uniform urban furniture, planting flowers and plants to increase the attractiveness ans beauty of the environment, atc.
Keywords: Feasibility, walk, Social and physical components, District four of Mofatteh