Document Type : Research Paper
Ph.D. Student in Geography & Urban Planning, Department of Geography, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran
Associate Professor of Tourism Research Center, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad Iran
Assistant Professor of Tourism Research Center, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad Iran
Associate professor, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
Historical regions of cities are important urban spaces which are valuable architectural legacy,
This research is a quantitative research based on the type of data collected and analyzed, and in terms of the type of approach to the problem under study and its entry into it, it is a field study. In this research, the survey technique has been used And field (questionnaire) has been extracted for this purpose by referring directly to statistical centers and statistics; Books, articles and dissertations available in the libraries of different universities have provided comprehensive information for the research and then the research has been completed through the field studies questionnaire. Due to the existence of historical context in the city of Isfahan; the study area of the present article is a part of the historical context of Isfahan that is worn out. The study area of the present study is due to the location of the primary core of Isfahan. The presence of historical index elements in region 3 (Naghsh Jahan neighborhood) and in region 1 (Darb-e-Kushk neighborhood) has been selected. The statistical population of the study includes people living in the worn-out area of Naghsh Jahan neighborhood and the door of the pavilion. Based on Cochran sampling, 374 residents of these two neighborhoods were selected as a sample and interviewed. The data collection tool was a researcher-made questionnaire, the questions of which were prepared based on the Likert scale 33 questions of this questionnaire have been prepared to measure the regeneration of the base culture and 55 questions of the questionnaire have been prepared to measure and evaluate the indicators of sustainable tourism development and 21 questions have been prepared to evaluate the modifying components. the opinions of 30 professors and competent experts have been used to assess the content validity and the reliability of the research tool was calculated using Cronbach's alpha test. Using version 26 of SPSS Cronbach's alpha software, the value of 0.935 was calculated. To analyze the relationships between indicators and to discover the effect of each factor on the independent and dependent variable, PLS path modeling has been used with the help of Smart PLS software.
Considering the values of path coefficients that represent the standardized beta in regression or correlation coefficient of two structures. According to the internal or structural model of the research, the form component with a path coefficient of 0.936 has the greatest impact on the regeneration of the base culture in the study area and the functional and semantic dimensions are in the second place of 0.868 and third place of 0.525, respectively. Also, in measuring the sustainable development of tourism, the service and welfare dimension with the path coefficient of 0.928 is the most effective, followed by urban management with the path coefficient of 0.84, technology with the path coefficient of 0.830, economic with the path coefficient of 0.727 and environmental with the path coefficient of 0.723 And physical with a coefficient of 0.683 and cultural with a coefficient of 0.600, the first ranks until the end of the impact on the index of sustainable tourism development in the historical context of Isfahan and finally the social component with a coefficient of 0.551 has the least impact on development Sustainable tourism in the historical context of Isfahan has been based on the structural equation model in the study area.
The value of t-statistic for the effect of culture regeneration based on sustainable tourism development is 38.358 and the p-value value is 0.000. Significantly effective. On the other hand, the value of the relevant factor is equal to 0.798, which due to its positive relationship is a direct relationship between the two variables of culture-based regeneration and sustainable tourism development, ie with increasing base culture regeneration, sustainable tourism development increases. The value of t-statistic for the effect of regenerating the base culture with the effect of cultural consumption as a moderator on the sustainable development of tourism is 2.634 and the p-value is 0.009. Given that the t-statistic is greater than 1.96 and the p-value is less than 0.05, cultural consumption moderates the relationship between the regeneration of the base culture and the sustainable development of tourism. The value of t-statistic for the effect of culture-based regeneration with the effect of cultural production as a moderator on sustainable tourism development is 0.050 and the p-value is 0.960, considering that t-statistic is less than 1.96 and p-value is greater than 0.05. Thus, cultural production does not moderate the relationship between the recreation of the underlying culture and the sustainable development of tourism. The value of t-statistic for the effect of culture-based regeneration with the effect of the event as a moderator on sustainable tourism development is 0.777 and the p-value is 0.437 considering that t-statistic is less than 1.96 and p-value is greater than 0.05, so The event does not moderate the relationship between the re-creation of the underlying culture and the sustainable development of tourism. Measuring sustainable tourism development Services and welfare with the highest route coefficient had the greatest impact on this index and the social component had the least impact on sustainable tourism development in the study area. The statistical T test related to the research conceptual model confirms the relationship between the recreation of the base culture as an independent variable and the sustainable development of tourism as a dependent variable. Also, the results of this test indicate that cultural consumption in the historical context of Isfahan, which intends to provide places for consumption by residents and tourists through marketing strategies and promotion of places, and thus to revive the inner areas of the city; It will lead to the adjustment of the relationship between the recreation of the base culture and the sustainable development of tourism, while the other two components with the titles of culture production and participatory art event are ineffective in adjusting the relationship between the recreation of the culture and the sustainable development of tourism.