Document Type : Research Paper
hakim sabzevari university
Hkim sabzevari University
hakimsabzevari university
Over the decades, rural areas around the world have faced challenges such as declining economic activity, restructuring traditional agricultural industries, aging populations and migrating young people abroad for higher education, and declining quality of life in small towns and villages. One area that can dramatically improve development outcomes is the provision of public services and rural governance. The good rural governance approach is one of the newest and most popular approaches in the field of sustainable management of rural development. Relying on the three main pillars of government, the private sector and civil society, this approach emphasizes the active and effective presence of these pillars in terms of participation, transparency, accountability, legitimacy, justice, efficiency and effectiveness, accountability, consensus and human development. Good governance involves consolidating the legal authority and power of the state in an effort to place all structures in the instrument of peace, security and stability - thus leading to political, social and economic prosperity.
The present research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-survey in terms of implementation method. The statistical population of the study consists of heads of rural households in Esfarayen. According to the 2016 census, Esfarayen city had a population of 62977 people equal to 17881 households. Using Cochran's formula, 376 heads of households were selected as the sample size. Considering that Esfarayen city has 95 villages with more than 20 households and due to the large number of villages, 2 villages from each village were selected as sample villages, of which a total of 14 villages were selected as the statistical population. The main tool for collecting information in this research is a researcher-made questionnaire, which after complete reviews by professors and related experts, its weaknesses were eliminated and its validity was finally approved by professors. Also, for the reliability of the questionnaire and the studied indicators, Cronbach's alpha test was used. The alpha value of the whole questionnaire was equal to 0.81, which indicates that the questionnaire has a good ability to measure the indicators. In this study, according to the independent variable (good rural governance) and the dependent variable (rural empowerment), the variables of good governance and social empowerment variables of the villagers have been used. One-sample t-test, Pearson correlation coefficient and multivariate regression analysis were used to analyze the research findings. GIS software has also been used to draw the map.
Results and discussion
In this part of the research, the findings of the questionnaire are reviewed and analyzed. In the first part, descriptive findings and then inferential findings are examined. According to the results of the descriptive findings, 263 people, equivalent to 70% of the respondents, are men and 113 people, equivalent to 30% of the respondents, are women. 298 people, equivalent to 79% of married respondents, and 78 respondents, equivalent to 21% of the frequency, are single. In terms of education, the highest frequency percentage with 26% is related to the diploma study group and the lowest frequency percentage is related to the master's degree group and higher with 14% of the frequency. In terms of age of the respondents, the highest percentage of frequency was in the age group of 41 to 50 years with 35% of the frequency and the lowest percentage of frequency with 12% was in the age group of 20 to 30 years. In terms of occupation, 41% of the respondents are in the occupational group of farmers, which has the highest percentage of frequency, and the lowest percentage of frequency with 9% was related to retirees.
The results showed that good rural governance in the studied villages is in an unfavorable situation, so that among the seven dimensions of governance examined, only one dimension of social trust is in a good position and the dimensions of participation, performance, equality, response It is as if social awareness and socio-economic status are at a disadvantage. The results indicate that rural managers take appropriate measures in the field of rural participation in drafting the vision document, more participation of the deprived, attracting rural investors, resolving local disputes, solving rural problems and issues, proper follow-up of rural performance results, creating opportunities for women By Dehyari, the existence of a special program to implement justice in Dehyari, Dehyari transparency in informing contracts, publishing and announcing programs and performance and costs to the public, Dehyari responding to the demands of the villagers, the action of Dehyari officials as promised And they have not fulfilled their promises, fair treatment of the villagers, financial problems at the village level, adequate welfare facilities at the village level, etc., and the villagers are not satisfied with the performance of the village managers in this regard. In the study of social empowerment in the villages of Esfarayen city, the results showed that the villagers have a very low level of empowerment in the field of quality of life, skills and social knowledge and in the areas of social interaction, social participation, social cohesion and social responsibility. They have good capabilities. In general, the social empowerment situation of the villagers has been assessed as favorable. Pearson correlation coefficient was used to examine the relationship between good governance and social empowerment. The test results showed that there is a significant relationship between good governance and social empowerment. Also, the results of multivariate regression analysis showed that good rural governance had the greatest impact on the quality of life of villagers and the least impact on social responsibility. The impact of good governance on social participation, social cohesion, social skills and knowledge, and social interaction is also significant. Therefore, according to the obtained results, it can be said that the good performance of managers will lead to social empowerment of villagers and their poor performance will have negative effects on social empowerment of villagers.