Explaining the role of ecotourism for the development of rural communities (Case: Afin village)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Department of Geography, Faculty of Humanities Sciences, Bozorgmehr University of Qaenat, South Khorasan, Qaen, Iran

2 Ph.D. Candidate in Tourism, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran


In recent years, ecotourism as one of the types of tourism has been able to play a significant role in the development of rural communities. Accordingly, this study was written with the aim of explaining the role of ecotourism in the development of Afin village. In this regard, the impact of ecotourism on the economic, social, and physical dimensions of the village was investigated. The overall research approach is a type of quantitative research, and in terms of data collection method, is based on library and field data. In order to distribute the questionnaire, a sample of 252 people was examined. A simple random sampling method has used to distributing the questionnaire. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics indices such as frequency distribution and inferential statistical tests such as single sample T-test, Chi-square and Friedman. In general, the results indicate that Ecotourism has led to the economic, social, and physical development of Afin village. In this regard, the development of ecotourism in the village of Afin, improves transportation, prosperity and revival of handicrafts, creating investment opportunities, creating employment, increasing income, selling agricultural products, increasing knowledge and information of people, familiarity with different ethnic groups, motivation to work Partnership, cooperation to solve tourism problems, return of migrants to the village, attention to beautification of houses, use of traditional symbols in the village, improvement of waste and sewage disposal system, cleanliness of the environment, greater protection of the village environment, attention to the preservation of historical buildings.


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