Selection of the best sand arrow species for quicksand stabilization using the composite method of AHP-TOPSIS: A case study of Njar Abad Erg
Document Type : Research Paper
Wind erosion and influx of quicksand into infrastructures, settlements, communication ways and industrial and agricultural installations is considered as one of the most important environmental issues in some parts of Iran, especially in the northeastern part of Toroud. Therefore, proposing a management approach for quicksand stabilization is necessary. In this research, a composite method of AHP-TOPSIS is proposed to select the best sand arrow species for quicksand stabilization. The research is of a descriptive-analytical type. The studied area was investigated by the satellite images of Google Earth, and its limitations were determined. Then, descriptive and analytical methods were used to study sand arrows. In addition, the morphometrical characteristics of the selected sand arrows were measured during the fieldwork. In the next step, the best species was detected using the AHP-TOPSIS method, a hierarchical structure was designed, a questionnaire was prepared, and finally the species were ranked. The results indicated that a composite method is more effective that the TOPSIS method. The results also showed that Zygophyllum eurypterum with the weight of 1 has the best effect on the stabilization of quicksand. Seidlitzia florida, Reaumuria turkestanica and Alhagi ManniferaNebkas with weights of 0/187, 0/080, and 0/028 were less important. The findings of this research will be fruitful in the systemic management of deserts as well as quicksand stabilization projects.
(2015). Selection of the best sand arrow species for quicksand stabilization using the composite method of AHP-TOPSIS: A case study of Njar Abad Erg. The Journal of Geographical Research on Desert Areas, 3(2), 97-119.
. "Selection of the best sand arrow species for quicksand stabilization using the composite method of AHP-TOPSIS: A case study of Njar Abad Erg", The Journal of Geographical Research on Desert Areas, 3, 2, 2015, 97-119.
(2015). 'Selection of the best sand arrow species for quicksand stabilization using the composite method of AHP-TOPSIS: A case study of Njar Abad Erg', The Journal of Geographical Research on Desert Areas, 3(2), pp. 97-119.
, "Selection of the best sand arrow species for quicksand stabilization using the composite method of AHP-TOPSIS: A case study of Njar Abad Erg," The Journal of Geographical Research on Desert Areas, 3 2 (2015): 97-119,
Selection of the best sand arrow species for quicksand stabilization using the composite method of AHP-TOPSIS: A case study of Njar Abad Erg. The Journal of Geographical Research on Desert Areas, 2015; 3(2): 97-119.